...Call a professional!
This bentwood rocker was brought in this week. The cane on the seat is pretty new and should have a lot more life left in it. However, when it was last replaced the old cane and spline was removed with a router power tool - a BIG no-no. Sheet cane removal should always be done with non-invasive hand tools to protect the wood and insure longevity of the furniture. It takes a lot more time and labor, but it is a step that should never be skipped. The router weakened the inside rim of the seat and when it was used 3/4 of the structure split apart. There was also very little glue holding the spline and cane in. UPDATE: Here is the finished restoration including gluing the seat back together and installing brand new sheet cane:
![]() After taking over the caning & rushing business from my dad 6 months ago and a very busy holiday season, I have finally gotten a chance to create a website for Emza's Chair Caning. Business cards are still in the works- as a small business owner, being too busy is not a bad problem to have! Here you will hopefully find helpful information and some great examples of why it is worth while investing in great furniture and family heirloom pieces. I have seen some really amazing transformations and looking forward to many more- the past 6 months have been just the very tippy-top of the restoration iceberg. Enjoy! -Emza |
E Emza Uphill
Owner/Craftswoman Archives
October 2016