Lots of personal projects getting done this summer and fall in anticipation of our first baby due in January.
Two years ago a gentleman brought me this rocker which he had used on his porch at his house on Lake Erie for many decades. He asked if I'd like to have it- that he wanted it to go to a good home. Sure! He was pleased it was going to live on, I was pleased to have it. I planned on stripping off the old paint, refinishing it, and weaving a new seat and back for my front porch, but like many personal projects it sat in my storage room waiting for that rare opportunity where I had a lag in work. It never came.
Personal Project- Family Heirloom Baby Basket For those of you who may not know, my husband and I are expecting our first baby - a girl - in January. So while the weather has been nice we have been finishing up some painting and repair projects for the nursery. Full on nesting here we come!
I am a hand-me-down, heirloom, found at the curb and fixed up kind of girl. So when we found out we were (are) expecting, I was excited to be the next in our family to use the baby basket. It is a wood laundry basket my grandma bought "for $5" back when her first born came along, my uncle, and was also used for my mom. This was the early 1950's and the basket doubled as a bassinet and a car seat! Times have changed! Skip forward a generation and it was used by my older cousins and by my brother and I when we were newborns. It fit perfectly on my mom's nightstand and kept us close those first few weeks. Skip forward one more generation and it has also been used by my cousin's kids. Needless to say after almost 65 years in service, 3 generations, and many babies this well used "laundry basket" was in need of some TLC. |
E Emza Uphill
Owner/Craftswoman Archives
October 2016